Blank Pieces of Paper I Loved Too Much

I was cleaning out my office (a big job!) when I found this lined eye-ease paper I bought in the late 1980's.  Seriously, I've been saving this paper since the 1980's. 

You can't know the wonderful qualities of this paper by looking at it.  It is thicker than regular paper and doesn't wrinkle easily.  It has a wide left margin for taking notes on your notes...

Why did I keep this?  It wasn't just about the physical attributes.  This paper is symbolic.  It's because this is the paper I used when I went back to college after taking a year off to figure my focus out.  

It's good to remember that sometimes you go through a period of figuring things out and come to other side, to a point of clarity.  That's what this paper means.  

In the end, I tore it up.  Because life is full, and doesn't have room for bins labeled "Blank Pieces of Paper I Love Too Much."   I decided to write about it and make room for what actually matters now.